Wednesday, April 7, 2010

an in between

When you're in the blue side, you'll say that the green way is wrong and cruel.

When you find yourself in the green side, you'll say the blues get it all wrong.

It simple, not 100% right. But you feel that certainity. That absolute feeling about your position.
Different story if you're an in between. You just an't decide. Because you know you're not a blue, you're not a green. You're a blueish green, or a greenish blue.

Deep inside, you know the blue way is the right one, but you're doing what a green people do.
So? can you blame the one doing green? Even when it hurts you're friends, you now it's what you do.

So, i'm not picking side.
I know how it feels being in the green zone.
And i respect the blue, i truly do. It's just sometimes it's more complicated to pick side, to pick an attitude, when you're damaged.



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