Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lucas said to Peyton , " Hey, at some point, people leave.."

Anybody know who's Lucas and Peyton?

They're my favorite character in One Tree Hill.
Well, Peyton is a solid character. In some cases, i can see her just like me, not the artist side of course.. ahaaha. She build a brick wall for people to get to know her, just like i do. But once they're in, they are in.

When Lucas come to her life, she makes him climb that high brick wall to be with her, to know her, to be the one she can share her thoughts with. He did it. But just then she said to him,
" Just promise me, u will be around for a long time." then he said " I am, Peyton. I'm here even when u're sick as hell to talk to me," hahaha what a nice sentence, right?

Then, life happens.

Yet another drawing made by Peyton, it said " People Always Leave ".
When Lucas see the picture, he said " Hey, at some point people leave." Peyton said " Story of my life."

wohooww! entah mengapa jd kangen nonton episode ini. Buat yang belum pernah nonton OTH, tonton dehh soo much wise words and great story too.

Dalam hal ini gw setujuuuu, at some point people do leave you. Jadi mesti bisa belajar mengandalkan diri lo sendiri, karena lo ga pernah tau kapan orang itu akan pergi dan apa efeknya bagi diri lo. Mungkin saat belom ngerasain, kita bisa bilang gak mungkin laah, dia temen gw, dan lain-lain, tapi percayalahh kalo akan ada waktunya itu terjadi.

Gw sendiri kaget banget sama efeknya, hhe, but i handle this preety well i guess. Kadang merasa betapa tidak adilnya semua itu, tapi balik lagi emang begitu adanya kan? Pasti ada baiknya dibalik semuanya. Gw sedang belajar bagaimana menjaga semuanya, dan gw harap semua bisa kembali seperti sedia kala. Kalo tetep nggak, yaa, it's okay. I'll just miss that times soo much.



Dheyzhere said...

Aku nonton dari season 1 Time..hehe..
Yup..there're lots of wise words and lessons of living there..
great way to learn (by watching sumtin that we really like..)..sooo refreshing..^_^

BTW..I Love how Nathan change when he met Haley too..He becomes a good guy kindda way..


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